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97번/Stir-fried delicacy 50g

97번/Stir-fried delicacy 50g

Side dishes are based on 150g.

반찬류는 150g 기준으로 합니다.


1. Assorted exhibitions/ 2. Meatballs/ 3. Pumpkin wars/ 4. Fish wars/
5. Potato Gospel/ 6. Beef stew/ 7. Stir-fried delicacy/ 8. Stir-fried anchovies/


1.모듬전/ 2.동그랑땡/ 3.호박전/ 4.생선전/
5.감자복음/ 6.소고기 장조림/ 7.진미채 볶음/ 8.멸치볶음/


1.各种展览/ 2.肉丸/ 3.南瓜大战/ 4.鱼大战/
5.土豆福音/ 6.炖牛肉// 7.炒美味// 8. an鱼/



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